All service providers/agency owners who are looking to close 7 new high-ticket clients: (Minimum)

Book 20-30 qualified calls monthly using multiple X accounts to send out 400-8000 X DMs per day using our "DIRECT GUNSHOT" Script

Without wasting hundreds of hours manually DMing the wrong ICP

Click the button below to secure your X outbound system

One of the only people I trust setting for meHaven’t had time to book calls for myself so let him do it for me.-Adrian solarz 2x agency owner

Here is all the proof that my method does in fact work:

Who does the "DIRECT GUNSHOT" Script work for?

I understand your frustrations...I used struggle with creating a high response DM script (I had a one percent reply rate, and most of them were "No's")Was not capable of booking 1 CALL.Struggled with many no-shows.Couldn't land my first client in 10 months.And guess what?I pushed through, and was created this system that is specifically for YOU an agency owner looking to get fully booked for the year...

Close 3 new high-ticket clients MINIMUM within the first month

"Ok, but how do you plan on booking this many calls when I've tried so many methods?

WELL, the Direct Gunshot script comprises of 4 KEY principles of outbound in order to attain authority, handle objections and qualify the leads.

Step 1. Direct Pitch

It ALL comes down to one key factor: YOUR OFFERIF your offer, is good, reliable, interesting, Irresistible, then would buy it.It's simple:The better your offer, the more calls you will book.It's all about being direct, not some bs personalization, that is not needed.And if we combine your offer with the initial message, that is when we get to the real stuff.Using 2 key details:When will you achieve those results?What is the specific results you will achieve?For example, let's say you're doing email marketing, we could say something like:"Hey name, would you be interested if we can add $29k MRR to your biz in less then 30 day's, or we work for free until we do?"See how I used both of the principles?I mention both the specific results and when I will achieve those results.Even throwing a quick guarantee in there.So many people think this is a bad approach.Yet really, this is one of the most effective and reliable way to book call.I've manage to book 20+ calls in 3 weeks for clients using this strategy

Step 2. Direct script

Lead-Gen isn't just about booking , sending dms, scraping leads, its mastering time, efficiency, speed, and volume.One of the BEST way's to do that?Having a premade script ready to go.The lead says yes to your pitch?Copy and paste the booking link from your script.*Lead asks how the process works?Copy and paste a detailed paragraph on how your process works from your script.You see, it's not just thinking about words from the top of your head.It's already knowing what the lead will say with a premade script.It's 5x more efficient and a very good skill to have.And of course, you don't always have to follow the script, which brings me onto my next step:

Step 3. Having flow

And no, I don't mean going with the flowI mean adapting your way of talking to each lead and person.Don't be a robot, be a human, and realize your talking to an emotional beingSometimes adapting each message in the script to each person is better then blindly following the script.The lead 9/10 has a question outside the script or has an objection that needs handlingBe cool about it, tell them you understand their objection/situation/question.And finally, push towards a call:"Hey man, if you want, we could get on a quick call so I can explain (X) better and answer all your questions. (I'll even show some examples"

Step 4. Book them asap

What are you here to do?Get on a sales call, or have a full blown convo with a friend?There is zero point to try to convince them via dms, that's for the call.You pitch them, and they are either interested, or not.If they are interested however, send the booking link, get them on the sales call.No point to waste your time with these bs rapport scripts.

If you don't know yet, here is my no brainer offer:

If you qualify, this strategy can book MINIMUM 6-10 booked calls every month.Anything less, and I work for free until I get you the results)And the best part is, that's just with 1 account (The lowest plan)Of course, the more accounts you want, the MORE booked calls you will book.I am confident my strategy will work for you but if you don't qualify, the system will not work for you.Anyways, here is the simple 5-step process I will use:


1. We'll hop on a call to see if you qualify to work with meI'll ask you a variety of questions, find out what your ICP is, your offer, and pick the best plan that we can work with.

2. After the invoice is paid, we will get to working + setting up everything.

3. We will import our personal scripts, setting up the campaigns, follow up sequences and scraping the leads.

4. Once we set up everything, we will launch the DM campaigns and follow up sequences.

5. And now, you just relax and wait for the booked calls.

The booked calls usually start to come in 1-2 weeks after a good quantity of leads has been collected.

And of course, you won't have to do any work. I'll automate your whole outbound game in 2-5 days and you'll be receiving booked calls faster then the next agency that will be pitch you.

Frequently asked questions (While working with clients)

What is the price?

The price completely varies based on your budget and how many clients you're agency can handle.We have multiple account plan's, including retainers and pay per call.If your an agency, the set up fee will be in the low 3-4 fig mark, and then pay per call.And if you can't make that kind of investment, this is not for you.But again, we'll need to figure out an investment that your comfortable to make and that guarantees a high ROI.

What is your script?

The script is a premade document where it holds most of the possible responses to the initial message + what to reply with to each response.For example, if they ask how the process works, I would send them a prewritten message from the script explaining it.

How do you send dms? + How do you qualify the leads?

We send dms using a software called closex.ioUsing the scraper it provides, we pick out big profiles from your niche ,
implement key words that are related to your ICP and let the software scrape the followers or following's of the Profile handle we entered.
The Software then sends a variety of initial messages to the qualified leads it scraped.We also have a qualification process in our script as well. (We recommend putting questions in you Calendly page so you know 100% they are qualified)

What if I don't get the results promised?

I am confident you will get minimum 6-10 booked calls with our lowest plan.And if for some reason we won't be able to deliver for the lowest plan, I'll give you *** I will work for free until I get you the results.***

How much time do I have to put in?

It won't take long. We'll just need to get on a call within the first hour and then it's all my responsibility.

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